Monday, September 15, 2008

How to Make the Big Bucks

I think I've figured out away to make the big bucks. Maybe pay for a new bike, and/or Adrian's college, and/or a mountain home.
I'm going to spend my evenings creating/editing videos of my son--like the one below--and refuse to release them until his grandparents pay up. If Brad and Angelina can get a few million just for a couple snapshots, there's no telling what I could get for these videos.
First one is free. Next time, I'm sending a bill.

Untitled from Joel Schreurs on Vimeo.

PS: Yes, I posted two days in a row (in case you failed to realize that the post below is also new).


trcdkk said...

While the video of a cute baby is naturally appealing, what caught my eye was at about second 14 - the random dog on back with legs up in the air. Entirely amusing.

Joel said...

nice catch--I wondered if anyone would get that. That's our (shameless) dog Daisy's way of asking for a little lovin'.

gardener said...

Yes, I'm sitting here with a goofy grin on my face! Thanks! (And I really liked the surprise ending.)