Saturday, November 8, 2008

Adrian Update

More video of our little boy. I'm impressed that I managed to cut thirty plus minutes down to five. You should be too. This is all from October, which was full of "firsts." He now sits, is working on eating solid foods, went in the jumper. Oh yeah, he's also huge.

The six month stats are:

  • Height: 28.5". 95th percentile
  • Weight: 19 lbs. 75th Percentile

In other words, my sixth month old can beat up your six month old. Probably.

A few other notes on the video:

  • For some reason, I'm in most of the shots and Jill is not. This is not because I'm a more active parent (Jill is probably caring for Adrian over 90% of the time). Its so that when he's nineteen, full of resentment, and in therapy, we'll have at least some proof that his father was around.
  • We do talk to our son. Quite a bit, actually. However, I hate the sound of my voice, so I've managed to cut nearly all of the adult chatter out.

    Adrian, Oct 08 from Joel Schreurs on Vimeo.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

He's getting to the fun age where he does more than just cry & sleep! I'm glad I'm not the only one who whips out the camera when the kid starts crying! It's just so cute sometimes!