Friday, April 25, 2008

Going for a trip

With Baby Schreurs apparenlty taking her/his sweet time to enter the world, we've been trying to think of ways to speed things along. People at church have (seriously) offered offroad jeep rides, herbal teas, and advice on a certain "other" method (wink wink, nudge nudge. I'll write a nice thank you note to anyone who convinces Jill "it" actually works).

Those are all fine, but I'm thinking the best way to bring it about is to tell Jill that it's not going to happen anytime soon, scoot off on some adventure that takes me deep into the mountains (or perhaps to Moab--there is a group from church going this weekend) and find myself well out of cell-phone range and hours (days?) from home. I predict that if I did that, Baby wold be here within moments of my falling off the grid.


TP said...

Hello Joel and Jill. As I approached week 40 I did everything in my power to get little Aletha out. Two days before Aletha came I did these following things. First thing, Eggplant parmasean (2 people had said it would work in 24 hours, honestly 2 hours after I ate it I started having contractions but then they slowed down), walked for 1.5 hours in the mall, marital relations, walked for 2 more hours in the mall, spicy mexican meal, squats, lunges and jumping jacks, mac and cheese, laundry, sweeping and watching the grammys. I started contracting big time while Amy Winehouse was on. Who knows what makes you finally start, but next time around I'm going to turn up the Winehouse :)

My one and only suggestion/advice. Don't skip out on the sleep. We stayed up all night counting my weak sauce contractions. I should have been sleeping.

Good luck guys.

Joel said...

Thanks TP:
Jill had Eggplant parmasean (or eggplant something or other) early on in her pregnancy and it was the one thing that made her throw up. I supsect that she'll pass on that...
But maybe I'll get some winehouse off itunes.

Abril said...

we too went for the wink, wink, nudge, nudge method, some preggo yoga, and a 2.5 hour walk. contractions started late that night. echoing tp though, sleep, sleep, sleep even though it seems far too exiting to try - seriously, this is your last chance for awhile!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I agree on the sleep thing. I went into labor in the morning with Ezra, so I was in labor during the day. But with Lydia, I went into labor in the middle of the night, and I got as much sleep as I could--not that you can sleep all that well during labor. But the sleep was worth it because I was probably a bit more alert when it counted.

Yes, we tried the wink, wink, nudge, nudge for both kids. Not sure it did anything either time, but John didn't mind. Also, my sister-in-law was told by her midwife that acupuncture can bring about labor. I didn't personally try it, but you might consider it.

In reality, I think the harsh truth is that the baby will come when it wants to. I'm not sure that anything we tried with either kids did anything to convince them to come out any earlier than they desired. But good luck to you and especially to Jill as she, probably not so patiently, waits for your beautiful baby to arrive. Even though you're anxious to meet the little one, enjoy this last little bit of time with just the two of you.